Middle East Drug Dialogue [MEDD]

Initiative code 1213
Implementing Organization
Colombo Plan (CP)

Regional counterdrug dialogue focused on countering the regional threat posed to Middle Eastern countries and U.S. interests by synthetic drug trafficking, especially captagon.  This event will establish a common understanding of the threat and share best practices.  It will also provide countries the opportunity to establish relationships and networks.  

Project Activities

Regional partner governments affected by illicit synthetic drugs will jointly develop and agree upon the dialogue agenda as well as the dates and location of the initial meeting.  We envision a two-day conference.  
Day 1 – Framing:  The first day’s focus would be on establishing a common understanding of the threat posed to the region by synthetic drugs.  Most importantly, officials will discuss ways to counter the threat on a regional basis.   Topics for discussion include border security, interdictions, transit routes, and strategies for supply reduction.    
Day 2 – Outcomes / Next Steps:  The second day would focus on continuing the discussions on what can be done to counter the threat and then develop a consensus about next steps, which would ideally include a commitment to establishing partner-led technical-level working group(s) focused on developing an action plan for the MEDD.  Participating countries would agree on three to five outcomes that would be a focus for the action plan.  Although the U.S. can participate in future initiatives, INL will only help to fund and organize this initial dialogue. Future activities will be on the initiative of participant countries.    

Global Level Outcomes

Decreased production and trafficking of captagon throughout the Middle East.  Improved information sharing and relationship networks among partner countries.  

National Level Outcomes

Each country able to reduce production and/or trafficking of captagon by 25%. 

Current State Participants

To be confirmed


Michael Venetti [dot] VenettiM [at] state [dot] gov (Venetti[dot]VenettiM[at]state[dot]gov) and Jonathan Earles EarlesJW [at] state [dot] gov (EarlesJW[at]state[dot]gov).Venettim [at] state [dot] gov (mailto:Venettim[at]state[dot]gov)