Sub-Working Group 1.1

Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs and their Precursors

Sub-Working Group 1.1, Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs and their Precursors focuses on strategies to address the initial steps in the drug supply process. This includes the manufacture of synthetic drugs, such as clandestine labs, as well as their precursor chemicals and forensic laboratory testing. Experts will present on their research and current projects to connect participants with the tools and resources necessary to stop the flow of synthetics.

July 2024



  • TBD
  • Kpler: Global trade intelligence



  • Argentina: National Experience in Countering Synthetic Drug Manufacturing
  • World Customs Organization - Terrorism Financing
  • Kpler: Global trade intelligence

June 2024

1.1 West:

"Operations in Countering Synthetics Manufacturing: Intelligence,  Investigations, Clan Lab Dismantling"

  1. PICS (Precursor Incident Communication System)
  2. Perspectives on Synthetic Investigations in Mexico
  3. Clandestine Lab Dismantling

Open Discussion on Global Coalition Working Groups

  • Q&A Session questions regarding the Coalition’s next steps, action reports, navigating the website, recommendations, initiatives, etc.
Remote video URL
All SWGs | Announcement | June 2024
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 [WEST]: Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs | June 2024

May 2024


Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 [EAST]: Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs | May 2024
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 [WEST]: Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs | May 2024

April 2024


Remote video URL
East SWG 1.1 April
Remote video URL
West SWG 1.1 April

March 2024

At the Mid-Term Coalition Working Group Meeting, Co-Chairs and Sub-Working Group co-chairs presented on the progress of Sub-Working Groups during Phase II: Sharing Best Practices and Models, Identifying Intervention Points, Deliverables and Commitments. Each Working Group reviewed recommended areas of work and began planning for the next stage of the Coalition, Phase IV: Action Planning, Implementation.

Remote video URL
WG 1 [East]: Preventing the illicit manufacture and trafficking of synthetic drugs
Remote video URL
WG 1 [West]: Preventing the illicit manufacture and trafficking of synthetic drugs [March, 2024]

February 2024


Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 [EAST]: - February - Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 [WEST]: Manufacturing February 20th, 2024 | 7:00 am (Mexico Time)

January 2024

  • Manufacturing equipment program
  • Control measures for precursor chemical production
  • International scheduling of drugs and precursor chemicals
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 East - January - Manufacturing Of Synthetic Drugs
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 West - January - Manufacturing Of Synthetic Drugs

December 2023

  • Regulating the legitimate trade of precursors
  • Chemical disposal issues
  • Investigating and Dismantling Clandestine Labs
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 East - December - Manufacturing Of Synthetic Drugs
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 West - December - Manufacturing Of Synthetic Drugs

November 2023

  • Understanding the manufacture of synthetic drugs
  • Building forensic lab capacity: Equipment, Methods of Analysis, Identification of Chemicals
  • Identification of Adulterants
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 East - November - Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs and their Precursors
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 West - November - Manufacturing Of Synthetic Drugs

October 2023

  • Framing the Issue
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 East - October - Manufacturing of Synthetic Drug and their Precursors
Remote video URL
SWG 1.1 West - October - Manufacturing of Synthetic Drug and their Precursors