
On this webpage you will find links to resources potentially available to interested countries as they pursue implementation of measures raised in the Global Coalition discussions, and other related measures, designed to enhance the national and joint responses to the threat of synthetic drugs.

We have organized these initiatives by Sub-Working Group to facilitate ease of review. These global, regional, and country-based initiatives have been shared and are implemented by a range of international organizations that have participated in Coalition. Some represent sources of capacity building, and other platforms for information exchange or international cooperation. Some are pre-existing initiatives while others are being proposed as a result of the Coalition discussions to date. 

The goal of this webpage is to facilitate country action on Coalition themes and to foster collaboration.  We encourage countries participating in the Global Coalition to review these initiatives, not only to gain a better understanding of what programs exist but to register your respective interest in such a program if it would have value in your country or region.  Each initiative or program includes information for a point of contact (POC) at the implementing international organization. To register interest in a particular initiative, please email the point of contact referenced in the text.  You may register interest in multiple programs/initiatives. However, it is important to note that an expression of interest is not a guarantee of participation. Implementing organizations will do their best to accommodate government partners in initiatives of interest, based on availability of resources.

If you have any questions, you can email SyntheticsCoalition [at] state [dot] gov (SyntheticsCoalition[at]state[dot]gov).

Sub-Working Group 1.1 - Manufacturing of Synthetic Drugs and their Precursors

1101: Preventing the diversion of chemicals through enhanced cooperation with industry partners
1103: Technical Assistance for Precursor Chemical Control
1104: Improving precursor chemical and other non-controlled chemical control in Southeast Asia
1105: Enhancing licit trade monitoring of controlled precursors and non-scheduled chemicals through INCB PEN Online Platforms
1106: Preventing the diversion of equipment used in the illicit manufacture of drugs
1107: Enhancing real-time sharing of actionable information related to incidents and suspicious shipments involving precursors and equipment used in illicit drug manufacture, with a view to assist with investigations and identify emerging trends and modi operandi through INCB PICS
1108: Enhancement of the capacity of front-line officers to detect and identify drugs, along with the precursor chemicals and equipment used in their illicit manufacture.
1109: Enhancement of the capacity of front line officers in security document examination
1110: Clandestine Laboratory Training Program
1111: Enhancement of the capacity of front line officers in crime scene investigation.
1112: Training Program on the Detection and Identification of Synthetic Drugs, Including NPS and their Precursor Chemicals
1113: Enhancement of the capacity of forensic laboratory personnel in the Identification of Illicit Drugs in seizures and in biological specimens.
1114: The UNODC International Collaborative Exercises (ICE) programme
1115: Technical Assistance for the Effective Final Disposal of Precursor Chemicals
1116: Safe disposal of seized drugs and chemicals capacity building
1117: Enhancing capacities in safe handling and disposal of drugs and chemicals in Southeast Asia

Sub-Working Group 1.2 - Trafficking of Synthetic Drugs

1201: Strengthen public-private partnerships and industry cooperation to combat the diversion of precursor chemicals
1202: Synthetic Drugs Detection Project - Precursors component
1203: Training Course on the Analysis of New Psychoactive Substances [NPS] for Forensic Experts
1204: Synthetic Drugs Detection Project - Mail Channel Component
1205: Specialized Training Program to Counter Trafficking of Synthetic Drugs and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Via Postal and Courier Services
1206: Preventing and Detecting the Trafficking of Synthetic Drugs in Aviation
1207: Synthetic Drugs Detection Project - General Aviation Component
1208: Passenger and Cargo Border Team
1209: Synthetic Drugs Detection Project - Canine Forces Component
1210: Surface-web training to identify suspicious postings of precursor chemicals and equipment used for illicit drug manufacturing
1211: Training Program on Counterdrug Operational Police Intelligence
1212: Strengthen interregional cooperation and information exchange to counter trafficking and manufacture of synthetic drugs
1213: Middle East Drug Dialogue [MEDD]
1214: Justices United against Synthetics Trafficking [JUST]

Sub-Working Group 2.1 - Data Collection, Analysis, and Trends Including Early Warning

2101: The use of Laboratory Improvement Programs to enhance Early Warning Systems.
2102: Strengthen national early warning mechanisms on emerging synthetic drug-related threats
2103: Early Warning Systems on Drugs [EWS] in the Americas
2104: Synthetic Drug use Information Systems, for a Highly And Responsive Treatment Environment [SHARE]: A global community of practice for the development of drug information systems to inform the effective planning of national drug use disorder treatment and care systems #ShareFacts - #SaveLives
2105: Increase public health data collection using Web based ASSIST Tool
2106: The benefits of using the Drug Treatment Surveillance System
2107: Development of international standards, training and mentoring on collecting data on drug use and its health consequences in countries where drug use is stigmatized and culturally sensitive
2108: In-depth capacity assessment of treatment systems for substance use disorders using the WHO Service Capacity Index for Substance Use Disorders [SCI-SUD]
2109: Maximizing the use of the Drugs Monitoring Platform (DMP) to highlight synthetic drug production in South-East and South Asia
2110: Monitoring of Illicit Drug Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Countries
2111: Strengthening Research and Data Collection for Drug Demand Reduction Interventions in African Union Member States
2112: World Drug Report chapters on synthetic drug emerging issues
2113: Learning about the Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ)
2114: Increase implementation of Wastewater Analysis in Emerging Drug Markets
2115: The Sentinel Program: Training and Equipping Forensic Drug Testing Labs to Accurately Identify Synthetics, Unknown Substances, and Complex Drug Mixtures to Better Understand Drug Epidemics
2116: Understanding the value of illicit profits and money flows associated with synthetic drug trafficking
2117: Drug information networks, DINs, for monitoring traditional, synthetic, and other emerging drugs.
2118: Strengthening national and regional drug data collection capacity and reporting in the Pacific
2119: A Threat Assessment on Transnational Organized Crime on Synthetic Drugs in the Southern African Region
2120: Drug Use Surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] Countries
2121: Next Generation IDS- Ensuring efficient and effective data flows between Member States and INCB

Sub-Working Group 2.2 - Information Sharing, Interagency Collaboration and Policy Formulation

Next Generation Targeting Tools that Stop Synthetic Drugs, Dangerous NPS, Fentanyl & Related Chemical Trafficking: Cyber-Communications Centre
2201: Establishing functioning networks of drug epidemiologists and toxicologists in East and Southeast Asia
2202: UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs
2203: SNOOP: State-of-the-art targeting tools and enforcement capacity to combat online synthetic opioids, dangerous NPS & related chemical trafficking
2204: Next Generation Targeting Tools that Stop Synthetic Drugs, Dangerous NPS, Fentanyl & Related Chemical Trafficking: GRIDS Targeting Assist
2205: Next Generation Targeting Tools that Stop Synthetic Drugs, Dangerous NPS, Fentanyls & Related Chemical Trafficking - PING
2206: 2206A: International Network for Legislation on Drugs [INLOD]
2206: International Network for Legislation on Drugs [INLOD]
2207: Enhancing engagement with policymakers to address synthetic drug challenges in Southeast Asia
2208: Creating Strategies for New Psychoactive Substance Institutional Response
2209: Support the Development, Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation of National Drug Policies, Strategies, and/or Plans of Action
2210: Increasing institutional capacity of Law Enforcement, National Revenue Authorities [Customs Department], National Prosecution Services, National Medicines Regulatory Authorities, National Quality Control Laboratories, and prosecutors to identify, detect and prosecute synthetic drugs to reduce their trafficking and mitigate their public health impact
2211: Increased capacity to Prevent, Detect and Respond to Diversion of controlled drugs/substances/medicines through multisectoral and multidisciplinary training on the Universal Curriculum on diversion
2212: Universal Curriculum on diversion of controlled medicines – Prevent, Detect, Respond
2213: DAIS: Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development

Sub-Working Group 3.1 - Preventing Drug Use, Strengthen and expand evidence-based prevention activities

Community-Based Prevention & CADCA's Model for Community Change
Using Media-Based Prevention Science Methods to Prevent Synthetic Substance Use
3101: Review of National Drug Prevention Systems (RePS) to Align with International Standards
3102: Children Amplified Prevention Systems (CHAMPS)
3103: Developing national work plans for implementing drug use prevention programs
3104: Build Resilience through Family Skills Training
3105: Law Enforcement and Drug Use Prevention in Schools
3106: Comprehensive School-Based Drug Prevention Continuum
3107: Planet Youth Guidance Program
3109: Addressing the Issue of Drug Use in Media
3111: Training the Prevention Workforce
3112: Capacity building for health professionals on cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids
3113: Development of postgraduate education and training of medical doctors on prevention and management of substance use disorders
3114: Engaging Youth in Drug Use Prevention
3115: Youth Peer to Peer Prevention [Friends in Focus]
3116: Recommendations for the Development of a Three-Phase Intervention to Address the Non-Medical Use of Controlled Medicines in University Settings

Sub-Working Group 3.2 - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders (UTC)
3201: Implementation of the UNODC/WHO International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
3202: #NothingLess: UNODC Quality Assurance Initiative for Drug Use Disorder Treatment and Care and its impact on treatment outcomes
3203: Strengthening Quality in Substance Use Disorders Treatment through Technical Support 
3204: Building capacity of health and social services to deliver screening, brief interventions and referrals using WHO ASSIST technical package
3205: Implementation of clinical guidelines to manage polysubstance use and comorbidity cases in primary care and specialized facilities
3206: Emergency Response Training for cases of acute intoxication with New Psychoactive Substances
3207: Enhancing Treatment Services for People who Use Substances [ENTRUST]
3208: Strengthening rehabilitation, reintegration and recovery as part of UNODC’s global programmes on treatment and care of drug use disorders
3209: Addressing the health needs of people with synthetic drug use disorders through voluntary community-based services in Southeast Asia
3210: UNODC/WHO S-O-S (Stop-Overdose Safely) Initiative for effective management of opioid overdose
3211: Strengthening Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Care through WHO’s Special Initiative for Mental Health
3212: #ScaleUp: Scalable interventions for the treatment and care of stimulant use disorders
3213: Enhancing National and Global Capacities to Address Substance Use Disorders Among Adolescents
3214: Brief Intervention Program for Adolescents who Use Alcohol and Other Drugs, PIBA [only available in Spanish]
3215: Want to Improve Women’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Your Country? Tailored Evidence-Based Technical Assistance through the Global Women’s Network
3216: Closing the gap – Increasing access for treatment of drug use disorders for women and girls and ensuring management of substance use disorders during pregnancy
3217: Care in Crises: Addressing substance use disorders in humanitarian emergencies and among displaced populations
3218: Workforce Development Strengthening Drug Use Treatment Services
3220: Strengthening capacity of the workforce in services for substance use disorders on identification and management of mental health conditions using updated WHO mhGAP Intervention Guide
3221: Baseline study on the offer of academic programs in demand reduction in universities
3222: Tele-mentoring program for clinical teams that provide treatment services.
3223: Internship for healthcare professionals in treatment programs that deliver evidence-based clinical and psychosocial services.
3224: Science-policy-practice - UNODC Policymakers Training on the Nature, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Use Disorders
3225: SACENDU plus SQM

Sub-Working Group 3.3 - Addressing Populations in Contact with the Criminal Justice System, including Alternatives to Incarceration

3301: Developing and Supporting ATI Systems and Networks
3302: Development, Implementation and Expansion of Alternatives to Incarceration Programs in the Americas
3303: Adapt Risk and needs assessment tool for the smarter use of sentencing and drug treatment in Alternatives to Incarceration programming for the Americas
3304: Optimizing Risk and Needs Assessment Tools for Enhanced Sentencing and Therapeutic Justice Programs in the Americas.
3305: From global policy to local implementation - UNODC Initiative on Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System
3306: Addressing alternatives to incarceration through drug policy analysis and implementation in select Southeast Asian countries
3307: Global initiative on Accessible, Comprehensive and Quality Treatment for People with Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings
3308: Development and Implementation of Gender-Sensitive Alternatives to Incarceration for drug-related offenses
3309: Case Care Management programs supporting social integration of justice-involved individuals with substance use disorders based on gender, age, and specific needs in the Americas