Sub-Working Group 3.2

Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

Drug use disorders extensively harm health, including mental health, safety, and well-being. Millions of people suffer from drug use disorders worldwide, of which fewer than 20% receive treatment. Far fewer women than men are able to access the treatment and care they need due to persisting barriers. Besides the highly unequal access circumstances under which treatment systems, services, and programs operate in different regions, a combination of factors, like the limited recognition of treatment needs, the delivery of inadequate interventions, and stigma and discrimination linked to substance use disorders, hinder those requiring adequate and timely care from receiving it. These are some of the main determinants of low coverage and quality in countries' treatment systems, typically developed outside the public sector into fragmented, loosely organized care networks. Therefore, this sub-working group will cover a range of treatment topics in a continuum of care such as drug treatment services and systems, recovery support, harm reduction, and the needs of care professionals for training and credentialing the workforce, expanding services, and ensuring quality service delivery.

July 2024



  • Demand Reduction Experts Group/Financial Aspects of Treatment Implementation and Sustainability, CICAD
  • UAE National Experience in Engaging People with SUD
  • Sierra Leone: Synthetic Drug Public Health Emergency


  • Demand Reduction Experts Group/Financial Aspects of Treatment Implementation and Sustainability, CICAD
  • UAE National Experience in Engaging People with SUD
  • Sierra Leone: Synthetic Drug Public Health Emergency

June 2024

Open Discussion on Global Coalition Working Groups

  • Q&A Session questions regarding the Coalition’s next steps, action reports, navigating the website, recommendations, initiatives, etc.
Remote video URL
All SWGs | Announcement | June 2024

May 2024


Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 [EAST]: Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders | May 2024
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 [WEST]: Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders | May 2024

April 2024


Remote video URL
East SWG 3.2 April
Remote video URL
West SWG 3.2 April

March 2024

At the Mid-Term Coalition Working Group Meeting, Co-Chairs and Sub-Working Group co-chairs presented on the progress of Sub-Working Groups during Phase II: Sharing Best Practices and Models, Identifying Intervention Points, Deliverables and Commitments. Each Working Group reviewed recommended areas of work and began planning for the next stage of the Coalition, Phase IV: Action Planning, Implementation.

Remote video URL
WG 3 [East]: Promoting public health interventions and services
Remote video URL
WG 3 [West]: Promoting public health interventions and services

February 2024

  • Building and Strengthening Local, National and Global Recovery Networks
  • Network of Support to Deliver and Harm Reduction & Treatment Services to Low-Income and Marginalized Communities
  • Addressing Substance Use among Humanitarian Settings (e.g. refugees, migrants, internally displaced populations, and victims of trafficking)
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 [EAST]: Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders | February 2024
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 [WEST]: Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders | Feb 21 2024

January 2024

  • Interventions for Adolescents and Children with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
  • Interventions for Women with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
  • Interventions for LGBTQI+ Populations with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 East - January - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 West - January - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

December 2023

  • Development of Low Threshold Treatment Services: Mainstreaming Substance Use Interventions into Primary Care
  • Recruiting the Nursing Field to Address Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
  • Quality Assurance in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 East - December - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 West - December - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

November 2023

  • Harm Reduction: Comorbid Disorders & Communicable Diseases
  • Opioid Overdose Reversal Strategies and Medication
  • Workforce Development: Specialists in Treatment and Recovery
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 East - November - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 West - November - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

October 2023

  • Framing the Issue
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 East - October - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Remote video URL
SWG 3.2 West - October - Engaging People with Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders