Strengthening national and regional drug data collection capacity and reporting in the Pacific

Initiative code 2118
Implementing Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The main objective of the proposed initiative is to improve drug-related (focusing on synthetic drugs and precursor chemicals) data generation and sharing capacity of Pacific island countries (PICs). The lack of data generated and shared by PICs is considerable compared to any other regions globally, and this poses particular challenges for policy and strategy development. This challenge is largely driven by a) an overall lack of data generation capacity, b) an absence of a national data focal points or coordination mechanisms that facilitate the exchange of data and information among relevant authorities, and c) the lack of a regional mechanism to share data and information among PICs. To this end, UNODC’s knowledge and experience in developing and managing a functioning regional database obtained over the last two decades in Southeast Asia will be utilized for this initiative.  

Accomplishments to Date

This is a new initiative.   

Project Activities
  1. Activity 1: A high-level regional meeting among policymakers of PICs to agree on the need for establishing a regional drug data sharing mechanism  
  2. Activity 2: A two-day regional meeting among law enforcement authorities of PICs to agree on a data collection format  
  3. Activity 3: A two-day regional meeting among authorities of PICs to agree on a public health data collection format  
  4. Activity 4: Follow-up national meetings to gather data providers (police, customs, health and social agency authorities) and create national coordination mechanisms to collect, exchange and disseminate data and information  
  5. Activity 5: Establish an online drug database mechanism for PICs  
  6. Activity 6: Produce a regional Pacific drug situation report with data provided by PICs to the newly established regional drug database   

Target countries of PICs include Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, and Palau but the list can be expanded to other PICs. Where possible, meetings will take place back-to-back with other regional meetings.      

National Level Outcomes
  1. Outcome 1: Establishment of a regional synthetic drug data and information sharing mechanism among PICs  
  2. Outcome 2: Improved synthetic drug data and information sharing from PICs through existing data collection mechanisms at the global level (i.e. Annual Report Questionnaires, Early Warning Advisory on New Psychoactive Substances and others)  

Current State Participation

This is a new initiative.  


Benedikt Hofmann, Deputy Regional Representative, UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, benedikt [dot] hofmann [at] un [dot] org (benedikt[dot]hofmann[at]un[dot]org)