Justices United against Synthetics Trafficking [JUST]

Initiative code 1214
Implementing Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The Justices United against Synthetics Trafficking (JUST) program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the growing global problem of synthetic drug trafficking and its associated challenges. The program focuses on equipping judges and prosecutors in at-risk* countries with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to effectively adjudicate cases related to synthetic opioids trafficking. 

Accomplishments to Date

This program will be initiated in 2024 

Project Activities

JUST takes on a multidimensional approach encompassing legal, forensic, and educational aspects, including: 
Capacity Building

  • Develop a training programme based on the "Guideline for Adjudicating Cases of Synthetic Opioids Trafficking" to support judges and prosecutors in initiating, conducting, and successfully prosecuting cases related to synthetic opioids trafficking
  • Tailor training sessions to the specific legal frameworks and challenges of the participating country 

Enhancing Jurisprudence

  • Address jurisprudential challenges and issues associated with achieving the standards of proof required for prosecution in synthetic drug cases 
  • Establish a resource centre providing legal guidance, case studies, and best practices for judges and prosecutors dealing with synthetic drug cases 
  • Facilitate cross-border information exchange and collaboration among justice professionals to enhance jurisprudence in this area 

Forensic Expertise 

  • Provide guidance and resources to navigate difficulties associated with forensic evidence collection, handling, and analysis in synthetic drug cases 
  • Provide access to expert forensic support for complex cases 
  • Offer training on safe handling procedures for synthetic drugs 

Academic Partnerships

  • Partner with academic institutions to integrate the "Guideline for Adjudicating Cases of Synthetic Opioids Trafficking" into the curriculum for future judges and prosecutors 
  • Engage experts at partner universities as trainers  
  • Engage researchers at partner universities to develop country-specific guidelines and host workshops on knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration  
Global Level Outcomes

International Cooperation: Countries collaborate more effectively on cross-border cases, strengthening efforts against transnational trafficking of synthetic drugs 
Enhanced Jurisprudence: Improved understanding of jurisprudential aspects resulting in more consistent and informed legal decisions in synthetic drug cases across regions 

National Level Outcomes

Strengthened Legal Capacity: Judges and prosecutors in at-risk countries gain the knowledge and skills needed to effectively prosecute synthetic drug cases 
Effective Prosecutions: Increase in successful prosecution rates, serving as a deterrent to synthetic drug traffickers 
Sustainable Legal Capacity: Integration of guidelines into legal education ensures a lasting impact on future judges and prosecutors 

Current State Participants

New initiative 


Asma Fakhri, Coordinator, UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy asma [dot] fakhri [at] un [dot] org (asma[dot]fakhri[at]un[dot]org)