Next Generation Targeting Tools that Stop Synthetic Drugs, Dangerous NPS, Fentanyl & Related Chemical Trafficking: GRIDS Targeting Assist

Initiative code 2204
Implementing Organization
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

GRIDS Targeting Assist (GTA) uses advanced structured data algorithm to identify linkages in INCB GRIDS’ IONICS communications and identify source of trafficking that would otherwise go unnoticed. The current proposal deploys the GTA algorithm as part of the IONICS suite of operational tools with 24/7 access to all enforcement focal points. This proposal is a force multiplier of frontline officer capacity and provides continuity and sustainability of national efforts to combat synthetic drugs, dangerous NPS, fentanyl and related chemical trafficking. 

Accomplishments to Date

GRIDS Targeting Assist (GTA) is an advanced algorithm for IONICS communications that links sources of trafficking that would otherwise go unnoticed. Since October 2022, GTA has linked approximately 70% more incidents than the human analyst alone and has contributed to over 105 packages for front line officers linking 4388 incidents for action.  INCB are aware of numerous investigations and operations resulting from GTA augmented packages exchanged with governments. 

Project Activities
  1. Develop GRIDS Targeting Assist (GTA) advanced algorithm interface and deploy as part of IONICS suite of operational tools for use by focal points (approximately 1,500 focal points). 
  2. Establish access at two multi-agency fusion Centres with 24/7 access to INCB systems and expand capacity in two existing multi-agency fusion Centres, based on the GRIDS Cyber-Communications Centres (GC3), located at select national enforcement agencies. 
  3. Developing materials and training (estimated 4 trainings) on operating multi-agency fusion cyber communications centres, real-time analysis of integrated data streams and INCB systems. 
  4. Utilizing GTA to augment special international operations and develop special alerts, notices and intelligence packages to deny, disrupt and dismantle organized crime groups exploiting online services (1000 GTA augmented analysis). 
Global Level Outcomes
  • Detect, deny, disrupt and dismantle the source of trafficking of dangerous synthetic drugs INCB lists as having no known legitimate uses 
  • Integrate into IONICS suite of targeting tools for 24/7 access (1,500 users, annually) 
  • Automate real-time information detection and exchange and trafficking detection for each new incident (20,000 annually) 
  • Provide GTA enabled global operations and special alerts/ notification for enforcement focal points (1 operation annually) 
  • Develop GTA augmented packages by frontline officers (1,000 packages, annually) 
National Level Outcomes
  • Integrate into IONICS suite of targeting tools for 24/7 access (1,500 users, annually) 
  • Automate real-time information detection and exchange and trafficking detection for each new incident (20,000 annually) 
  • Provide GTA enabled global operations and special alerts/ notification for enforcement focal points (1 operation annually) 
  • Develop GTA augmented packages by frontline officers (1,000 packages, annually) 

Current State Participants

GTA has not been made available to external users but has been used on request by several governments.  


Matthew [dot] Nice [at] un [dot] org (Matthew[dot]Nice[at]un[dot]org) Manager, GRIDS Programme HQ | Global OPIOIDS Project Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)