Children Amplified Prevention Systems (CHAMPS)

Initiative code 3102
Implementing Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The CHAMPS initiative (Children Amplified Prevention Services) aims to demonstrate the value of amplifying evidence-based prevention services in building the resilience of children from birth to adolescence to prevent the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances.

The amplification is by building model systems bringing series of evidence-based interventions and strategies to all children (<18 years) in a geographic region tailored to age and level of risk and by intensifying partnerships between agents of the response. Model systems will be implemented over 5 years in 10 countries per wave, anticipating multiple waves of interest.

Accomplishments to Date

In a pre-brief for Member States October 2023, CHAMPS attracted the attention of several Member States interested in serving as model countries for the implementation of the initiative. Negotiations are ongoing in selecting those countries according to UNODC criteria (economic, social and political stability) for the purpose of ensuring the sustainability of the initiative’s implementation and the generation of credible and reliable scientific evidence prior to implementation in other countries.

Project Activities

The implementation of the initiative takes place over 6 years (1 preparatory and 5 implementation years). 

  1. In the first year, the RePS tool is implemented, mapping out all prevention interventions and services in order to assess and further develop/align with the UNODC WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention.
  2. In the next 5 years, UNODC supports and advises the Member State in forming and developing evidence-informed and evidence-based policy recommendations in the context of prevention of drug use. Simultaneously, UNODC supports the Member State through the provision of needed prevention tools, which entails family skills, life skills, and youth-based tools.
  3. During those 5 years, UNODC, in collaboration with the Member State, performs continuous monitoring and evaluation to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, impact and return on investment of the model prevention system implemented in the framework of the CHAMPS initiative.
Global Level Outcomes

Change the global culture of prevention by availing model systems of applying prevention at scale in changing the life trajectory of developing children and strengthening/accelerating the potential achievement of multiple SDG goals. Pave the way to place prevention as front and center in addressing the world drug problem in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

National Level Outcomes

Supporting low- and middle-income countries in developing comprehensive evidence-based and effective prevention strategies, including all stakeholders.


Wadih Maalouf, UNODC Coordinator Prevention Programme, wadih [dot] maalouf [at] un [dot] org (wadih[dot]maalouf[at]un[dot]org)