Developing and Supporting ATI Systems and Networks

Initiative code 3301
Implementing Organization

The International Consortium for Alternatives to Incarceration (ICATI) partners with countries, organizations, professionals, and sites to promote and support the global development and implementation of treatment and care as an alternative to incarceration, conviction, or punishment (ATI). This project extends across all phases of ATI development, from initial interest to action planning, and implementation of demonstration projects to ATI expansion.  ICATI connects its members to the support, resources, and networks that allow us to do this work together.

Accomplishments to Date
  • Since its development, ICATI has already reached over 135 countries, 42 ISSUP national chapters, and nearly the entire 55 member states of the African Union to encourage early adoption and support for ATI systems. 
  • ICATI leads an advisory group of international organizations and experts to coordinate and support ATI initiatives around the globe. 
  • ICATI has been invited to serve as an expert advisor for ATI systems development by such organizations as INL, the African Union Commission, and the UNODC ATI Implementation Consultancy.
Project Activities

ICATI is available as an initial and ongoing source of ATI support and resources. Participants are invited to engage in one or more of the following offerings that are envisioned as part of ICATI’s development plan:

EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Promoting and supporting all phases of national and regional planning, training, technical assistance, and evaluation. This includes:

  • Speakers, workshops, trainings – remote and in person; customized to meet your conference, event, and audience needs
  • Country ATI Self-assessment tool with personalized advice on next steps
  • Strategic meetings with key government leadership and stakeholders 
  • System development and support, action planning, technical assistance, implementation
  • Data collection, monitoring, evaluation, and impact strategies and support
  • Policy, legislative, and expansion strategies 
  • Addressing workforce, administrative, and resourcing challenges to ATI implementation
  • Mentoring technical assistance calls with countries in the development of ATI.

RESOURCES. Identifying, developing, and disseminating resources, including webinars and informational materials, specialized curricula, global atlas of ATI initiatives, quality indicators, guides, tools, and technical expertise. This includes:

  • Webinars – live and recorded education series providing ATI basic, intermediate, and advanced topics featuring experts and implementors.
  • ATI knowledge share – tools, studies, briefs, research, data, best practices, case studies, and success stories
  • ATI Atlas – featuring ATI initiatives from across the globe.
  • ATI Curricula – continuing to add to the develop courses that complement the existing library, including UTC 81 ATI for Policy Leaders and UTC 82 Case Care Management
  • ATI Global Trainers – trained on all ATI curriculums, resources, and tools.
  • ATI Technical Assistance Global Experts – trained, developed, and supported by ICATI.

NETWORKSEstablishing international networks where sites and countries can connect with one another to share information, experiences, and the impact of their ATI country development progression. This includes:

  • Email distribution list to keep everyone informed and connected. 
  • Share opportunities for training and technical assistance offered by global organizations. 
  • Regular online multidisciplinary network meetings supporting the full range of members, phases of development, strategies implemented, and health/justice/community system collaborations performing this work.
  • Facilitated conversations to explore and share best practices, implementation examples, and experiences from countries and initiatives around the globe (learning communities)
  • Justice, health, community service, case management, research, and other professional communities that offer specialized and targeted support uniquely relevant to each field’s practitioners (affinity groups)
  • Live conversations with experts to discuss whatever questions you may have (office hours).
  • On-line platform that facilitates direct connections among network members for ongoing communication, feedback, suggestions, and support
  • Annual members meeting to share resources and country experiences.
Global Level Outcomes

Desired global outcomes for the next 18 months:

  1. Launch ICATI at the 2024 CND
  2. Expand ICATI membership by at least 20 countries interested in ATI development in each of the five global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceana
  3. Actively engage with at least 5 new countries in their ATI development.
  4. Create an ATI Atlas – featuring ATI initiatives from across the globe.
  5. Increase the number of countries receiving some level of ATI support, resources, networks by 50%
  6. Publish ATI Basics recorded education series with written briefs in multiple languages.
  7. Draft at least one new ATI specialty curriculum for piloting and TEAG approval
  8. Convene monthly zoom meetings to support ATI networks. 

Grow the reach of ICATI’s email network to at least 200 participants

National Level Outcomes
  1. Understand how ATI is effective at reducing crime and drug use
  2. Articulate how the justice, health, and community service systems collaborate on a new approach to individuals with a substance use disorder in contact with the justice system (ATI)
  3. Identify and engage with local stakeholders needed to develop and implement ATI along the full justice continuum (pre-arrest, court process, post-conviction)
  4. Evaluate systems readiness for ATI, and engage with experts to prioritize next steps to advance through the ATI country development phases
  5. Plan, implement, and evaluate ATI initiatives and expand their reach geographically and across the justice continuum
  6. Participate in supportive networks that connect participants to expert and practical support and advice
  7. Access and contribute to a growing ATI resource center

Michele Worobiec, ICATI, michele [dot] worobiec [at] icati [dot] org (michele[dot]worobiec[at]icati[dot]org)