Clandestine Laboratory Training Program

Initiative code 1110
Implementing Organization
Colombo Plan (CP)

Colombo Plan trainers utilize HAWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Program) CFR 1910.120(q) regulations as guidelines to establish best practice protocols for training narcotic steams to assess, dismantle, and collect evidence from illegal clandestine operations accurately and safely.  Students are trained in the local narcotic synthesis trends, air monitoring, toxicology of chemicals, physical hazards, chemical handling, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment (PPE), decontamination, and site control.

Accomplishments to Date
  • Provided the first PPE and air monitoring equipment to clandestine lab teams in Honduras and Guatemala to protect their first responders’ health and increase their operational efficiency 
  • Developed clan lab teams in most U.S. states and many countries worldwide for over 35 years.
Project Activities
  • Provide a series of progressive training courses for law enforcement personnel assigned to investigating illegal clandestine operations. Training programs include: 
    • Basic Clandestine Laboratory Investigations 
    • Site Safety Officer 
    • Advanced Clandestine Laboratory Investigations 
    • Level A Operations (high hazard clan labs) 
    • Illicit Cultivation Operations 
    • Chemical Diversion Investigations 
    • Clandestine Laboratory Waste Management 
    • Fentanyl for First Responders 
    • Explosives and Toxic Clan Labs 
  • Provide training customized to trends and threats localized in each country.   
  • Provide course material and field guides translated into native language. 
  • Provide PPE and air monitoring equipment for each student. 
  • Delivery of training in native language. 

Law enforcement personnel assigned to investigate crime scenes involving hazardous materials need to have additional training.  The Colombo Plan utilizes chemists and law enforcement personnel experienced in clandestine laboratories to customize programs specific to the threats in the host country.

Training provided for every conceivable clan lab site and drug: jungle, warehouse, basement, garage, meth, cocaine, fentanyl & other synthetics, etc.

Global Level Outcomes

Increased detection and dismantling of synthetic drug production clandestine labs

National Level Outcomes
  • Teams of trained and equipped law enforcement personnel capable of accurately and safely assessing, dismantling, and sampling illegal clandestine operations. 
  • Trained personnel and protocols established to ensure best practices for disposal of hazardous waste from illegal clandestine operations. 
  • 50% increase in dismantled clandestine laboratories

Thom Browne, CEO, Colombo Plan (scungili89 [at] gmail [dot] com (scungili89[at]gmail[dot]com))

Current State Participants
South Africa