Enhancing licit trade monitoring of controlled precursors and non-scheduled chemicals through INCB PEN Online Platforms

Initiative code 1105
Implementing Organization
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

The PEN platforms administered by INCB are the only global platforms for real-time monitoring of licit trade in internationally controlled precursors (PEN Online) and chemicals that are not included in Table I or Table II of the 1988 Convention but may be controlled nationally in some countries because of the use in illicit drug manufacture (PEN Online Light). The two INCB platforms concur to the implementation of articles 12 and 13 of the 1988 Convention against Illicit Trafficking by facilitating the exchange of information on international planned shipments of controlled and non controlled chemical precursors thus preventing diversions, promoting joint investigation on suspicious transactions.

Accomplishments to Date

PEN Online: 145 countries and territories actively using the system; more than 30,000 pre-export notifications sent per year 

PEN Online Light (launched October 2022): 31 countries and territories are actively using the system which operates on voluntary basis. Since its launching over 870 notifications

Project Activities

The initiatives include (a) 24/7 Systems and user maintenance; (b) monitoring of PENs and following up with Governments when necessary; and (c) support to investigations into suspicious transactions.

Global Level Outcomes

More systematic monitoring of international trade in controlled precursors (through PEN Online) and non-scheduled chemicals (through PEN Online Light); reduced room for diversion from licit to illicit markets

National Level Outcomes

Control by national competent authorities of the movements of controlled chemicals ; (b) suspicious transactions, objected shipments and diversion attempt more systematically investigated; (c) improved knowledge by national competent authorities of domestic markets and operators of controlled chemicals as well as of potential suspicious movements and locations of non-controlled chemical likely to be used in illicit drug manufacturing.

Current State Participation:

169 countries and territories with authorized access


Precursors Control Section, Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board, incb [dot] precursors [at] un [dot] org (incb[dot]precursors[at]un[dot]org) / incb [dot] pen [at] un [dot] org (incb[dot]pen[at]un[dot]org)