Enhancing capacities in safe handling and disposal of drugs and chemicals in Southeast Asia

Initiative code 1117
Implementing Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The proposed initiative aims to enhance institutional capacity of safe handling and disposal of drugs and chemicals in Southeast Asia. Prioritized countries are Cambodia and Lao PDR which have seized industrial scale drug laboratories in recent years, together with large quantities of chemicals, but possess no expertise nor experience in safe disposal of chemicals. Key activities will include provision of technical training, advice and equipment, as well as enhancing interoperability among relevant stakeholders that include representatives from the private sector. 

Accomplishments to Date
  • Assessment of drug laboratories and chemical storage sites in Cambodia  
  • National stakeholder meetings in Cambodia and the Philippines    
  • Development of the regional precursor regulatory mapping and situation reports (2022 and 2023) 
  • Provision of technical advice on safe handling and chemical disposal to authorities in Lao PDR in relation to seizure of 72 tons of propionyl chloride  
  • Provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to authorities in Lao PDR  
  • National trainings on precursor chemicals and illicit drug production, including modules on safe handling and disposal of chemicals, for authorities in Lao PDR, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines (2023) 
  • Regional training on precursor chemicals and illicit drug production, including modules on safe handling and disposal of chemicals, for authorities in Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam (2022).  
Project Activities
  1. Activity 1: Provide immediate assistance to select countries in the region (i.e. Cambodia) for transportation, storage and disposal of chemicals 
  2. Activity 2: Provide necessary technical advice and equipment for safe handling and disposal of chemicals (i.e. personal protection equipment)   
  3. Activity 3: Provide training on documenting and safely handing seized chemicals and drugs        
  4. Activity 4: Provide training for drug forensic identification of chemicals in select countries in Southeast Asia 
  5. Activity 5: Establish a functioning national coordination mechanisms in Cambodia and Lao PDR to enhance interoperability among relevant stakeholders that include representatives from the private sector         
  6. Activity 6: Develop an assessment report of seized drug production laboratories in the region that details types of chemicals and appropriate disposal options   
  7. Activity 7: Contextualize and disseminate knowledge products (i.e. manuals) developed by UNODC in select national languages
National Level Outcomes
  1. Outcome 1: Safe and cost-effective handling and disposal options for seized drugs and chemicals are identified and implemented through enhanced interoperability among relevant stakeholders    
  2. Outcome 2: Risk of the reintegration of seized drugs and chemicals into the illicit market is reduced  
  3. Outcome 3: Countries are able to develop appropriate disposal options through enhanced knowledge and capacity (i.e. forensic identification)  

Benedikt Hofmann, Deputy Regional Representative, UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, benedikt [dot] hofmann [at] un [dot] org (benedikt[dot]hofmann[at]un[dot]org)

Current State Participants