Technical Assistance for Precursor Chemical Control

Initiative code 1103
Implementing Organization
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD )

This initiative aims to provide tailored technical assistance, aligning with international standards, to strengthen national regulatory frameworks and procedures to counter the emerging trends in precursor chemical trafficking and diversion. This initiative includes engaging with national agencies, followed by a comprehensive assessment to identify critical improvement areas. Specialized training, tailored to address identified gaps, will then be delivered, significantly enhancing overall capacities in countering precursor chemical challenges. 

Project Activities

This technical assistance initiative encompasses: 

  1. National Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of precursor chemical control in selected agencies, gathering information through meetings and interviews. This includes assessing current regulations and identifying challenges and opportunities for improvement in precursor chemical control.
  2. Assessment Presentation and Roundtable Discussions: Host roundtable sessions with key national entities to discuss the assessment findings and explore feasible measures for enhancing precursor control. 
  3. Capacity-Building Component: Based on the assessment results, deliver specialized training and mentoring sessions to enhance knowledge and awareness of effective strategies for addressing identified challenges in precursor chemical control. 
  4. Post-Technical Assistance Follow-Up: Establish a follow-up system with counterparts to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the measures introduced. 
Global Level Outcomes
  • Enhanced Global Knowledge and Skills: This initiative strengthens the capacities of national competent entities in controlling precursor chemicals, enhancing their effectiveness in countering international organized crime. 
  • Strengthened International Cooperation: This initiative equips national competent entities with comprehensive insights into global tools and approaches, fostering improved collaboration with international organizations and agencies. 
  • Standardization of Practices: A key objective of this initiative is to promote standardized practices in precursor chemical control, ensuring alignment with international standards and fostering a unified global strategy to tackle current and emerging challenges in this area
National Level Outcomes
  • Improved Personnel Capacities: Enhanced knowledge and skills of personnel in precursor chemical control agencies. This improvement can be measured quantitatively through pre- and post-training exams during the capacity-building component. 
  • Enhanced Precursor Control Efficiency: Improved effectiveness of administrative and operational precursor chemical control, attributed to the upgraded skills of involved personnel and the implementation or updating of regulatory frameworks. This improvement can be assessed through periodic follow-up with beneficiary agencies. 
  • Strengthened National Coordination: Enhanced collaboration across all national agencies involved in precursor control. The success of this enhanced coordination can be monitored through ongoing communication with counterparts and evaluation of coordinated responses after the technical assistance. 

Ms. Ana Alvarez Project Manager Supply Reduction Unit OAS/CICAD amalvarez [at] oas [dot] org (amalvarez[at]oas[dot]org)