Preventing the diversion of equipment used in the illicit manufacture of drugs

Initiative code 1106
Implementing Organization
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

In line with article 13 of the 1988 UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances INCB proves member states with technical assistance aimed at checking the use of specialized equipment in illicit drug manufacturing as well as identifying and suggesting non-intrusive normative and operational approaches to prevent the diversion and use of equipment essential for the illicit manufacture of drugs.  Initiatives in this area of intervention have resulted in technical guidance materials, normative and operational measures directed at both international and national levels, actions aimed at improving preventive control over movement and potential engagement of industry providers.


INCB-Materials and Equipment 

  • Website:   
  • Interactive compendium of INCB tools and resources related to equipment used in illicit drug manufacture, with links to and access information about:   
  • Technical Paper on ILLICIT DRUG MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT and article 13 of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988  
  • Guidelines to prevent trade in and the diversion of essential equipment for illicit drug manufacture  
  • Awareness-raising and guidance document for policy makers: Illicit Drug Manufacturing Equipment and Article 13 of the 1988 Convention  
  • The International Monitoring List of Equipment used in the illicit manufacture of drugs (IMLE)  
  • Repository of national approaches   
  • Thematic chapter in the Board’s report on precursors for 2019  
  • Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS) – a global platform for sharing incidents in real time related to illicit drug manufacturing equipment and precursors
Accomplishments to Date
  • Greater knowledge and awareness about the provisions of article 13 of the 1988 Convention and its value in countering illicit drug manufacture;  
  • Convened three expert group meetings, one consultation with Member states, global surveys, CND side events, ….), which contributed to identifying concrete steps for global action to address the diversion and use of equipment essential for the illicit manufacture of drugs;  
  • A number of INCB tools and resources developed (please see the list in the section above);  
  • Over 70 equipment-related incidents shared through the Precursors Incidents Communication System (PICS);  
  • In recognition of the importance of article 13, there have been several equipment-related resolutions.  
Project Activities

Expert group meetings, consultations with Governments and organizations, global surveys, development of tools and resources (operational as well as for policy makers), time-bound operations, support to investigations 

Global Level Outcomes

Increased awareness and operational use of article 13 to prevent equipment from being used in the illicit manufacture of drugs  

Improved (real-time) sharing of actionable information and multilateral cooperation related to illicit drug manufacturing equipment through PICS; PICS user base enlarged 

National Level Outcomes

Increased operational use of article 13 to prevent equipment from being used in illicit manufacture of drugs;  

Greater focus on illicit drug manufacturing equipment and improved gathering and (real-time) sharing of relevant actionable information, preferably through PICS;   

Focus on equipment including in particular equipment related backtracking investigation at the occasion of intervened illicit laboratories 

Current State Participants

A number of Governments and organizations have actively participated in/supported the INCB equipment-related activities so far.   

650 users from over 300 agencies from about 130 countries registered with PICS. 


Precursors Control Section Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board incb [dot] precursors [at] un [dot] org (incb[dot]precursors[at]un[dot]org)